8 Nixon Place, Cherrybrook 2126 NSW
Ashton Brodie, math tutor at Cherrybrook Maths Coaching, specializing in Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, and HSC Mathematics tutoring services in Cherrybrook and the Hills area
Mathematics Tutor

Steve Yeung

Steve, a former student of our Director, David Luo, excelled in the highest level of maths at school, achieving Band 6 in Extension 1 and Advanced Maths. He completed Year 11 and Year 12 Advanced Maths in just two terms, scoring 96% in the HSC.

Having completed his Bachelor of Computer Science, Steve is now working with CMC full-time to develop resources and teach at an increased capacity. He is greatly loved by our students, and we are excited to have him continue assisting them in their learning journey.


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